Page 133 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 133
acts of the Council of Europe in addition to the sources of the EU law. in
particular, human rights, minority rights, data protection, bioethics, nation-
ality, social issues, criminal law, civil law, trade law, family law, adminis-
trative and Þnancial law, corruption, movement of people, asylum, refu-
gees, local self-government and administration, sport, media, communica-
tion, public health, culture, education, environment and animal protection.
Legal acts of the Council of Europe are as follows:
1. Conventions – are main instruments for legal cooperation among
the Member States of the Council of Europe (also known as European
Conventions, Agreements, and European Agreements). Conventions
are binding for the states that have ratiÞed them. Part of the Conven-
tions of the Council of Europe is considered as a part of the EU law
and relate to some of the requirements for accession to the European
Union (so called acquis conventionelle).
2. Recommendations – are guidelines adopted by the Committee of
Ministries of the Council of Europe for the governments of the Member
States of the Council of Europe on amendments to national legislations
or changes to administrative practice. Recommendations are a manner
of proposal of efÞcient and practical solutions for new problems.
3. Resolutions – are not legal acts; however the Committee of Ministries
of the Council of Europe reconciles resolutions on actual political issues.
Texts of the legal acts of the Council of Europe are available on the
following e-mail address:
If the European Union assumed a concrete legal act of the Council of Eu-
rope, its CELEX number is cited. If not, and the proposer considers that
the legal act of the Council of Europe is important for the European inte-
gration process, it is necessary to cite full title of that act, in Macedonian
and English language, by indicating the type of act and its number (ETS/
CETS number). For a recommendation and resolution it is necessary to
cite the date of its adoption as well. For a convention it is also necessary
to indicate whether it entered into force and if the Republic of Macedonia
is a signatory of the convention (in that case the date is quoted as well).