Page 138 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 138

Explanation of the element contents in the Statement on the Approxi-
                 mation Form

                 In line with the Statement on the Approximation Form of the national le-
                 gal act with the EU legislation, this Form includes the following boxes:

                 1. Legal act

                 1.1. Title of legal act
                 Full title of the draft legal act in Macedonian and English language
                 is provided (e.g. Draft Law Amending the Law on Environment), re-
                 gardless if law, rulebook, decree, decision or another bylaw is in ques-
                 tion, subject to approximation with the European legislation.

                 1.2. Proposer

                 Title of the state authority – proposer is provided, or its internal or-
                 ganisational units in which the legal act is drafted. (e.g. Ministry of
                 Environment and Physical Planning). In the case where the proposer is
                 different from the creator of the draft legal act, it is indicated (meaning
                 constituent authorities), in addition to the proposer. Furthermore, if
                 other state authorities also participated in drafting the legal act (in the
                 case of shared competence), they are also entered, but they do not sign
                 and afÞx the Statement. In the case where a working group has been
                 established to draft the legal act including representatives from other
                 state authorities, academic community, nongovernmental sector, eco-
                 nomic sector and etc., this will be entered under the same item along
                 with data on the members of the work group.

                 1.3. Single Legal Act Number (EPP No)

                 The number under which the legal act is entered in the National Pro-
                 gramme  for  Adoption  of  the  Acquis  Communautaire  is  provided,
                 and  deÞned  by  the  Secretariat  for  European Affairs  (E.g.  EPP  No

                 1.4. Number and title of the Chapter of the EU law according to the Na-
                 tional Programme for Adoption of the Acquis Communautaire (NPAA)

                 The number and title of the NPAA Chapter is entered (e.g. 04 Free
                 Movement of Capital)

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