Page 131 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 131

“the time limit for full approximation with the relevant EU legal act is
             the accession of the Republic of Macedonia in the European Union”
             is quoted.

             3.6. Correlation Table (Appendix)

             A Correlation Table – Form MK-EU and Form EU-MK needs to be
             attached to the Statement on the Approximation with the EU legisla-
             tion, so that “YES” or “NO” is answered whether a Correlation Table
             is attached to the Statement.

             4. Translation of the sources of the EU law and of the draft legal act

             4.1. Are the above sources of the EU law translated into Macedonian,
             and if so, cite the source of translation

             The proposer should indicate whether the sources of the EU law (pri-
             mary, secondary and others) with which the draft legal act was approx-
             imated are translated into Macedonian and which version was used.
             At the same time, the proposer is to indicate the source of translation
             and if it is not the Secretariat for European Affairs, the used translation
             should be compulsory submitted to it. The Secretariat for European
             Affairs is a competent authority in the Republic of Macedonia for co-
             ordination of the translation of the EU law.

             4.2. Availability of translation of the sources of the EU law
             The proposer should cite the internet address on which the translation
             is available, and if publication on its own address is not possible, to
             submit the translation to the Secretariat for European Affairs for up-
             dating the Register for Monitoring the Process of Translation of the
             EU Legal Acts (Translation Register) of the Secretariat for European
             Affairs accessible on its web site.

             4.3. Is the draft legal act translated into English
             The proposer should indicate whether the draft legal act is translated
             into English and it should be compulsory submitted to the Secretariat
             for European Affairs. The Secretariat for European Affairs is a com-
             petent authority in the Republic of Macedonia for coordination of the
             translation of the national legislation approximated with the source of
             the EU law upon its adoption.

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