Page 136 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 136
European Union and their amendments such as the Amsterdam Treaty,
Nice Treaty and Lisbon Treaty). The Lisbon Treaty entered into force
on 1.12.2009 amending the Treaty on European Union and the Trea-
ty Establishing the European Community, renaming the latter in the
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Primary sources of
the EU law are available on the following e-mail address:
3.2. Extent of approximation with secondary sources of the EU law
CELEX numbers of secondary sources of the EU law referring to the
normative content of the draft legal act and the extent of approxima-
tion of the draft with the acts are cited. Secondary sources of the EU
law are acts adopted by the EU institutions within the Þelds of their
competences in accordance with primary sources of the EU law in all
action areas of the Union, including the area of common foreign and
security policy and police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters
such as: Regulation, Directive, Decision (obligatory), Recommenda-
tion and Opinion (non-obligatory) as well as Resolution, Communi-
cation, Framework Decision, Common Position, Joint Action, Joint
Declaration, Common Strategy, Declaration, Conclusion, Convention,
International Agreement. It is necessary to take into consideration not
only the basic act but also all its amendments.
When indicating the extent of approximation it is necessary to list the EU
legal acts with which the draft legal act is approximated as well as the mark
and the extent of approximation. The indications used are the following:
1. “fully approximated” – the draft legal act is in compliance with (not
in opposition to) the provisions of secondary sources of the EU law, it
is approximated with all principles deriving from those provisions and
transposes all provisions of the said secondary sources of the EU law.
To be precise, if only several provisions of the EU act are quoted in
the correlation table, or of the secondary source of the EU law, extent
of which is indicated as “fully approximated”, then the Statement on
the Approximation cannot bear that extent due to the fact that not all of
the provisions from the secondary source of the EU law are transposed
in the national legal act concerned. In those cases only a part of the
secondary source is transposed in the national legal act concerned, and