Page 129 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 129

             The obligation to complete correlation tables for the proposers of na-
             tional legal acts for approximation with the relevant EU legal acts is
             laid down in Article 76 of the Rules of Procedure of the Government
             of the Republic of Macedonia (consolidated text). “Draft laws and oth-
             er legal acts adopted by the Government shall be communicated to
             the Government by the proposers in a form they are adopted and shall
             compulsory include a Correlation Table and Statement on the Approx-
             imation of the legal act with the EU law.
             Content and form of the Correlation Table and the Statement on the Ap-
             proximation of the legal act with the EU law shall be stipulated by the
             Government. For legal acts reviewed by the Secretariat of Legislation
             previously given provisions shall apply.” (Article 76) The Decision on the
             Forms of the Accompanying Letter and the Memorandum, the content and
             form of the Correlation Table and of the Statement on the Approximation
             of the legal act with the EU legislation (OfÞcial Gazette of the Republic
             of Macedonia No 92/10) of 1 September 2010 provides for application of
             new forms of Correlation Tables MK-EU and EU-MK. Main objective
             for introducing those new forms is to ensure higher extent and improved
             monitoring of the extent of approximation of each national legal act sub-
             ject to approximation with the EU measures, on the one hand, and on the
             other to ease the completion of the corresponding table MK-EU, in which
             for the time being is not necessary to state the content of the articles from
             the national legislation and the EU measures, but instead only the number
             of the article is given (paragraph, item, indent etc.).

              One of the major novelties introduced by this Decision is full change
             of the approach of completing the Correlation Table EU-MK, which is
             now Þlled in on the level of single EU act – consolidated version, with
             all its articles. As a result, the Correlation Table will also constitute
             schematic view of a EU legal act quoted with all its articles (their full
             content in Macedonian) given in correlation with the content of the
             articles in the national legal act (laws and bylaws) in which the provi-
             sions of that EU act are transposed. Accordingly, any new amendment
             to national legal acts or adoption of new legal acts for the purpose of
             additional approximation with the EU act constitutes drafting a new
             version of the Correlation Table EU-MK. This will ensure clarity of

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