Page 132 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 132

1. Convention on Cybercrime (ETS/CETS No 185), entered into force
                 on 1.07.2004, signed by the Republic of Macedonia on 23.11.2001,
                 ratiÞed on 15.09.2004 and entered into force on 1.01.2005.

                 2. Recommendation No R (99) 2 on Secondary Education of 19.01.1999

                 3. Resolution (97)24 on the twenty guiding principles for the Þght
                 against corruption.

                 In some cases where a national legal act possesses relevant EPP No
                 under NPAA and EU measures that are to be transposed in that nation-
                 al legal act and that are not indicated in the Programme but standards
                 from relevant area instead (e.g. INTOSAI), which, in fact, are interna-
                 tional standards accepted by relevant EU international document, item
                 3.4. (Approximation with other sources of the EU law) of the State-
                 ment is Þlled in, which in this case would cover the EU act by which
                 those international standards are accepted.
                 3.5. Time limit stipulated for achieving full approximation of the draft
                 legal act with the EU law

                 The proposer is to cite the time limit stipulated in the Stabilisation
                 and Association Agreement, National Programme for Adoption of the
                 Acquis Communautaire or in another document for acquiring full ap-
                 proximation of the draft legal act with the European Union legislation.
                 If as a reason for partially approximated draft legal act with an EU
                 legal act it is indicated that the latter will be transposed in another
                 national legal act, the time limit for achieving full approximation will
                 be cited, i.e. the time limit stipulated for adoption of the national legal
                 act under the NPAA. If “not to be transposed” is indicated as only
                 reason for partially approximated draft legal act since there is no need
                 for legal regulation, or “not relevant for the Republic of Macedonia”
                 since the said provision establishes obligation only for the EU Mem-
                 ber States, a time limit for achieving full approximation is not cited. If
                 both reasons are indicated for partial approximation with the EU legal
                 act, the time limit for achieving full approximation is cited. If as a
                 reason for partial approximation of the draft legal act is indicated that
                 the EU legal act contains provisions that will apply in the Republic of
                 Macedonia upon its accession in the European Union, the formulation

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