Page 135 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 135

the other part is subject to transposing in another national legal act.
             2. “partially approximated” – the draft legal act is in conformity with
             (not in opposition to) the provisions of the secondary source of the EU
             law; however it is not approximated with all principles, but only with
             the most important, deriving from those provisions and thus it is not
             entirely in conformity with all provisions of the said secondary sourc-
             es of the EU law. In that case transposition of partial content of sec-
             ondary source of the EU law in the said national legal act is concerned.
             “Partially approximated” extent is also given in the case where the
             entire content of the EU legal act is transposed in the draft legal act,
             i.e. all its provisions, and at the same time it contains additional provi-
             sions deriving from the national legislation thus extending or limiting
             the rights or obligations derived from the EU legal act.

             3. “not approximated” – the draft legal act is in opposition to the pro-
             visions of the secondary sources of the EU law and it is not in confor-
             mity with the major principles deriving from those provisions.

             3.3. Reasons for partially approximated or not approximated draft le-
             gal act with the secondary source of the EU law

             If the draft legal act is partially approximated or not approximated
             with the sources of the EU law, the proposer is obliged to indicate the
             reasons, irrespective of their type (economic, Þnancial, social or other
             reasons). In that case reference is made to a relevant impact assess-
             ment analysis, study or another document, and not stating the reasons
             in general. Other possible reasons for partially approximated draft le-
             gal acts with the EU legal act is additional approximation that is to be
             made following adoption of bylaws if law is in question, or additional
             approximation with another law, and if the statement refers to a bylaw,
             it may be indicated that the approximation will be completed by adop-
             tion of other bylaws or that it is already approximated by adoption of
             the law wherefrom that bylaw derives, or it is already approximated
             with other bylaws, and in that case the law or bylaw is cited.

             In addition, reasons for partially approximated draft legal act with the EU
             legal act is the lack of need to legally regulate particular provisions of the
             EU legal act or that particular provisions are obligations only for the EU
             Member States. When indicating the reasons for partially approximated

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