Page 123 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 123
45/2010) is cited. Comments are provided in the last column. If there are
other amendments to the draft law, wherein the EU legal act was trans-
posed, they are quoted in chronological order as they were adopted and
published in the OfÞcial Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia.
The third part of the Introductory Part of this Form, the date of drafting
is cited and the version of the Form that is submitted. The reason for
this is updating of the Form with new version 2, 3, and etc. whenever a
new national act or its amendment is drafted in which the EU legal act
is transposed, so that the version is enumerated with Arabic numerals.
Considering that this type of Form EU-MK was initially applied on 1
September 2010 and for the purpose of updating past approximation,
any initial completion of such Form EU-MK for the EU legal act to be
transposed in the national legal acts will be marked as version 1. In this
part the name of the responsible person and of the institution-employer.
The table consists of the following columns:
1. Article number
In this column the numeral of the provision of the EU legal act is quot-
ed whereupon it may refer to the entire article or particular part thereof
(paragraph, point, indent, and etc.)
Note: The column must orderly include all provisions of that EU le-
gal act (except for the preamble) irrespective of the fact that it might
be partially transposed. The reason for this is that it can be clearly
demonstrated how, to what extent and in which national acts it was
transposed or will be transposed.
2. Article
In this column full content of the provision of the EU legal act subject
to transposition is quoted in Macedonian language.
3. Title of the national legal act (abbreviation of the national legal act)
In this column the title of the national act wherein the EU legal act is
transposed, its abbreviation previously determined in the second part
of Form EU-MK or the ordinal is entered.
4. Number of article of the national legal act