Page 120 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 120

Form MK-EU      59
                                      Title of the national legal act:
                                                 EPP No:

                        CELEX No of the EU legal    Title of the EU legal acts transposed in
                                   act                      the national legal act

                  of the    CELEX                Evalu-
                  national   No of   Provision   ation of
                                                                               tent  au-
                  legal act  the EU  of the EU   the extent   Comment          thority/
                  in which  legal act  legal act   of ap-                      I n s t i t u -
                  transpo-  trans-   transposed  proxima-
                  sition is   posed              tion                          tion
                  - In this   - In this   - In this col-  - In this   If additional informa-  - In this
                  column the  column   umn numeral  column,   tion is needed related to  column
                  numeral   only     (without    relevant na- transposition, it will be   competent
                  (without  CELEX    content) of the  tional enti- entered in this column,   Authorities /
                  content) of  number   article of  ties provide  or wherever necessary,   institutions
                  the article of  of the EU  the EU legal   evaluation  in a separate document,  responsible
                  the national legal act is act (article,   of the ap-  quoted in the column It  for imple-
                  legal act   entered  paragraph,  proximation might be information to  mentation
                  (article,          point/indent          additionally explain the  of the
                  paragraph,         and etc.)             transposition method, or  national
                  point/indent       transposed is         explanation why a provi- legal act by
                  and etc.)          entered               sion was not transposed/  articles are
                  in which                                 implemented Information indicated
                  transposition                            may also be used to
                  is made is                               explain different time
                  entered                                  agendas for transposition
                                                           / implementation of pro-
                                                           visions of the legislation.
                                                           Furthermore, which act
                                                           will be fully transposed
                                                           and when it is planned to
                                                           be adopted.

                 59  Proposers of legal acts must also submit the EU legal acts, translated into Macedo-
                 nian, used in the drafting of national legal acts both to the Secretariat for European
                 Affairs and the Secretariat for Legislation.

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