Page 122 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 122
In this column only the numeral of the provision of the national legal
act in which transposition is made is entered whereas it is clearly indi-
cated that the transposing refers to exact article or exact parts thereof
(paragraph, point and/or indents).
5. Article of the national legal act
In this column the text of the provision of the national legal act wherein
the given provision of the EU legal act was transposed is quoted, where-
upon its content should correspond to the content of the EU legal act.
Note: When transposing provisions of the EU legal acts and where stan-
dards, normative and technical provisions are in question it is acceptable
to apply the manner of expression determined in the EU acts, and when
transposing material provisions of the act it is recommended to apply
logic, unambiguous expression applicable to the legal system of the Re-
public of Macedonia in shaping the content of national legal act.
6. Is fully approximated (fully, partially, not to be transposed, not rele-
vant for the Republic of Macedonia, discretionary provision) The con-
tent of this column is the most important part of this Form, since the
institution / competent authority, proposer of the national legal act by
determining the certain extent of approximation (fully, partially, not
to be transposed, not relevant for the Republic of Macedonia, discre-
tionary provision), on the one hand, expresses how and to what extent
the given provision of the EU legal act is incorporated in the national
legislation; and on the other hand, it has clear insight in the complexity
of the steps to be taken for full approximation with the EU legal act to
the time of accession in the European Union. As a result, subordinate
to the extent of approximation the following may be distinguished:
6.1 Where the given provision of the EU legal act is fully approxi-
mated it is not necessary to complete columns 7 and 8;
6.2 Where the given provision of the EU legal act is partially ap-
proximated in columns 7 and 8 it should be indicated how the trans-
position will be made (methods given in the instruction for com-
pletion of the Decision amending the Decision on the Forms of the
Accompanying Letter and the Memorandum, the content and form
of the Correlation Table and of the Statement on the Approximation