Page 121 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 121

of the legal act with the EU legislation) and within which time peri-
                 od, and in column 9 the reason for the partial approximation;

                 6.3 Where the given provision of the EU legal act is not to be transposed,
                 in columns 7 and 8 the same data as in subpoint 6.2 are entered and in
                 column 9 the reason for not assuming that provision of the EU legal act;

                 6.4. Where the given provision of the EU legal act is not relevant for
                 the Republic of Macedonia (those are primarily provisions not related to
                 the European Commission competence or relate only to a particular EU
                 Member State or are determined for deÞning activities of a particular body
                 of the European Commission or Þnal provisions), columns 7 and 8 are not
                 completed, while in column 9 the reasons it is considered that the given
                 provision of the EU legal act is not relevant are presented;

                 6.5 Where for the given provision of the EU legal act, the insti-
                 tution  /  competent  authority,  proposer  of  the  national  legal  act
                 considers that it could be but does not have to be transposed, the
                 expression discretionary provision is to be entered in this column,
                 while columns 7 and 8 are not completed, and in column 9 the rea-
                 sons for the proposed extent of approximation are quoted.

             7. If it is not fully approximated when the transposition will be made

             In this column data when transposition of the given provision of the
             EU legal act will be made in the manner indicated in the previous point
             are entered.

             8. Planned time limit for full approximation

             Where the provision of the given EU legal act is partially transposed or not
             transposed, in this column it is indicated within which period the institution
             / competent authority, proposer of the national legal act considers to be fully
             transposed (the planned date of its transposition is entered or it is indicated
             that full transposition will occur with the accession in the European Union).

             9. Comment:

             In this column data relating to the extent of transposition of the given
             provision of the EU legal act are entered in line with the above manner
             and content as well as other information considered relevant by the
             institution / competent authority or proposer of the national legal act.

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