Page 118 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 118
Comment If the article is not transposed, the rea- son is quoted (in line with TAIEX Editor classiÞcation); Other possible relevant data are quoted (par- ticularly, CELEX No and number of of another EU legal act amending/delet- ing the article from column 1, in which case the text from column 1 is in effect in the time of com- ple
9 article
Planned time limit for full approxi- mation Planned date of ap- proximation is entered (date/upon accession)
If not fully ap- proximated, how transposition will be made If not fully approx- imated, the legal act with witch full approximation will be made is quoted. If the legal act with witch full approxi- mation will be made the title and author- ity to adopt it is quoted; if not – type of the act (law – L, bylaw adopted by the Government –
7 is known,
Is it fully ap- proximated (fully, partial- ly, not to be transposed, not relevant for the RM, discretionary provision) Evaluation of Approximation is provided: fully, partially, not to be transposed, not relevant for RM, discretionary provision. If not fully, column 7 is completed.
Article of the national legal act Content of the article national legal act is quoted.
5 of the
Number of article of the national legal Number of the article of the national legal act is entered.
4 act
Title of the na- tional legal act (its abbre- viation) National legal acts that regulate this issue is entered.
Article Content article of the EU legal act from col- quoted.
2 graph, point, umn 1 is
Article number Article of the EU legal of the indicated (if neces- sary, para-
1 act is indent)