Page 141 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 141
5. Expertise and opinion (European Commission, CARDS, IPA, TAIEX,
SIGMA, EU Member State, Council of Europe, national experts, and etc.)
5.1. Participation of technical support and consultants in drafting the legal act
5.2. Opinion on approximation of the legal act
Manager of the competent sector
Title and position: Please choose title
Managing person/ofÞce holder in the state authority that drafted the legal act
Title and position:
Managing person/ofÞce holder in the state authority that proposed the legal act
Title and position:
There are however cases where amendments to a law, decree, rulebook or to
another legal act are proposed that have been already approximated with the EU
law and accompanied by a Statement on the Approximation, but now amend-
ments to that national legal act are proposed in provisions in which the EU law
has been transposed, and only technically precise deÞnition is made to certain
term by which the essence is changed and as a result the extent of approxima-
tion of the national legal act with the EU law. In that case, Statement on the
Approximation is completed with a new EPP No and with all elements as well
as Statement on the Approximation of the basic text of the national legal act,
and in the correlation table in that part of the provision of the national legal act
in the column “comment” it is stated that technically precise deÞnition is made
to some terms and that the provision is fully approximated with the adoption of
the basic text of the national legal act. Such experience was gained in the case
with the Law Amending the Law on Public Procurements, when in an Article of
the Law the term “legal entity” was precisely deÞned as responsible authority.