Page 168 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 168
mon interests. The common strategies are implemented by the Council
of EU through common positions or common actions.
Common positions – are positions of the European Union relating to
speciÞc issue of geographical or thematic character. Member States pro-
vide for approximation of their national policies with those positions.
Common actions – are actions taken to resolve speciÞc situations requir-
ing EU operational action. They determine the objectives, range and as-
sets in disposal of the EU and, if necessary, the duration and conditions
of application. Through common actions, Member States are bound in
relation to taking positions as well as in view of their action.
2. Third Pillar of the European Union (police and judicial cooperation
in civil and criminal matters).
In this area the following legal acts are deÞned or adopted: common
positions, framework decisions, decisions and conventions.
Common positions – deÞne the EU approach to certain issues and they
are adopted unanimously by the Council.
Framework decisions – are acts objective of which is binding, but the
choice of form and methods is left to the Member States. Framework
decisions are adopted for the purpose of approximation of laws and
legal acts of the Member States.
Proposals are determined on the initiative of the Commission or Mem-
ber States. These decisions lack direct effect and adoption of appropri-
ate measures is necessary for their implementation. They are adopted
unanimously by the Council, and the implementing measures, if nec-
essary, are adopted with qualiÞed majority.
Decisions – are acts objective of which is consistent with the objec-
tives in the area of the Third Pillar. They are binding and all the mea-
sures necessary for their implementation on EU level are adopted with
qualiÞed majority by the Council.
Conventions – are traditional instruments of the international law.
They are adopted by the Council decision upon consultation with the
European Parliament, followed by ratiÞcation of the Member States in
accordance with their constitutional system. Following the ratiÞcation