Page 167 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 167

by at least half of the total number of EU Member States, the conven-
             tion enters into force for those Member States.

             3. Nonbinding legal acts

             Types of legal acts that are not binding and provided for in Article 249
             of the Treaty, called “soft law”, used in international communication
             of the EU institutions or in the communication with particular Mem-
             ber State or with the public are the following: resolutions, declara-
             tions, communications and action programmes.

             Resolutions – are acts that express common positions and intentions
             related to the entire process of integration or to certain activities.

             Declarations – are acts that refer to the further EU development and
             they are similar to resolutions. There is also another type of declara-
             tions adopted within the frame of the Council decision-making pro-
             cedure and they serve for expression of the positions of the Council
             members in view of interpretation of its decisions.

             Communications – are documents that contain Commission positions ad-
             dressed to the EU institutions. Communications describe the conditions
             in certain areas, indicating the problems and informing EU on the solu-
             tions proposed. This is in fact a call to the interested parties for discussion
             relating possible activities in the area subject to the communication.
             Action programmes – are documents referring to application of legisla-
             tive programmes and general objectives of the Treaties of Establishment.

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