Page 172 - Секретаријат за законодавство
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laws, and according to the speciÞc regulation it cannot be implemented
                 in the national legal system, but it will be taken directly (full text) and
                 become an integral part of the bylaw as an annex (Decree on protection
                 against acts of unlawful interference (aviation security) (“OfÞcial Ga-
                 zette of the Republic of Macedonia” No.26/16). Such a possibility is laid
                 down in Article 1 of the Law on Amendments to the Aviation Act (“Of-
                 Þcial Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” No.97 / 15). For example:

                                                “Article 1
                 In  the  Aviation  Act  (“OfÞcial  Gazette”  no.  14/06,  24/07,  103/08,
                 67/10, 24/12, 80/12, 155/12 and 42/14), Article 3 in paragraph (3) a
                 new paragraph (4) shall be added, which shall state:

                 (4) The Government of the Republic of Macedonia shall adopt bylaws
                 prescribing measures, the manner and conditions for implementing the
                 EU and international standards, recommended practices and standards
                 for protection against acts of unlawful interference, the granting of
                 ßights, providing air navigation services, the allocation of slots, in-
                 vestigation of accidents, serious incidents and occurrences of civil and
                 state aircraft as well as their reporting and other Þelds of aviation”.

                 Furthermore, there are cases pursuant to which the entire content of con-
                 ventions are incorporated in a relevant national law as requirement of
                 becoming member of particular international organisation to which the
                 European Union has accessed, as is the case with the Law on Plant Va-
                 riety Rights that regulates the protection of variety rights, or protection
                 of variety and seeds. With regard to harmonisation of the legislation of
                 the Republic of Macedonia with the EU legal acts adoption of the Euro-
                 pean Company Law can be speciÞed, which is subject to harmonisation
                 with the Council Regulation (EC) No 2137/85 of 8 October 2001 on the
                 European Economic Interest Grouping Implementation Act amended by
                 Directive 32001L0086. Namely, the objective of adopting this Law is
                 to regulate the conditions and the manner of implementation of the said
                 Regulation given that in line with its nature a Regulation is a legal act
                 that is directly applicable and has direct effect only in the Member States
                 of the European Union. The European Union, however, adopts Regu-
                 lations that are similar to Directives in their content since they contain
                 provisions making reference to additional elaboration of certain issues in
                 the national legislation in order that the given regulation is correctly and

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