Page 146 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 146

Implementation of decisions
                 Implementation of decisions is preceded by a thorough analysis of the
                 nature of the provisions. Distinction is made between provisions which
                 require introduction of legislative measures into the Polish legal order and
                 provisions which meet the direct-effect criteria and therefore can apply
                 directly. The task of the national legislator is to enable direct applicability
                 of such provisions by indicating the competent authorities and the proce-
                 dures to be followed, providing the necessary application forms, etc.
                 The above approach is illustrated by the Regulation of Minister of Ag-
                 riculture and Rural Development of 30 October 2007 laying down mea-
                 sures on importation of live pet birds accompanying travellers in relation
                 to highly pathogenic avian inßuenza . Its purpose is to implement the
                 Commission Decision of 22 December 2006 as regards certain protection
                 measures in relation to highly pathogenic avian inßuenza and movements
                 of pet birds accompanying their owners into the Community . The deci-
                 sion requires Member States to take measures necessary to ensure that pet
                 birds moved into Community territory from a third country are subject to
                 documentary and identity checks by the competent authorities. Member
                 States may authorise the movement of live pet birds solely where the con-
                 ditions laid down in Article 1 of that decision are fulÞlled. Compliance
                 with those conditions must be certiÞed by an ofÞcial veterinarian in ac-
                 cordance with the model certiÞcate provided for in annex to the decision.

                 The Polish regulation provides that movement of pet birds from third
                 countries is authorized solely where the conditions referred to in Article
                 1(1) of Decision 2007/25/EC are fulÞlled. Therefore it has been consid-
                 ered that the provision laying down the said conditions is directly applica-
                 ble and there is no need to reproduce it in the text of the Polish regulation.

                 Further, the regulation provides that the owner of the birds must be in
                 possession of a veterinary certiÞcate referred to in Article 1(2) of Deci-
                 sion 2007/25/EC. Again, in this case the legislator has limited himself to
                 establishing the obligation to hold the certiÞcate, as required in the deci-
                 sion, but deemed it redundant to enclose the form of the certiÞcate since
                 it is already accessible and binding as part of Decision 2007/25/EC.

                 50  Dz.U.2007.208.1508.
                 51  OJ L 8, 13.1.2007, p. 29.

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