Page 144 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 144

to such acts, in order to ensure the effectiveness of EU law and respect of
                 the principle of legal security. An example of this practice can be found
                 in the Law of 13 June 2003 on foreigners . Article 39 entitles the Head
                 of the OfÞce for Foreigners to issue, after internal consultation, a uniform
                 visa on the basis of Article 17(2) of the Convention implementing the
                 Schengen Agreement in cases listed in Annex 5 to the Common consular
                 instructions on visas for the diplomatic missions and consular posts .

                 Statement on the Approximation of the national legal act with the EU law
                 is one of the instruments which establishes whether the draft legal act is
                 approximated with the Stabilisation and Association Agreement as well
                 as how and with which EU legal acts it is approximated and the extent of
                 approximation (fully and partially approximated and not approximated).

                 The obligation to complete the Statement on the Approximation is de-
                 Þned in the Rules of Procedure of the Government of the Republic of
                 Macedonia, providing that proposers when communicating the mate-
                 rials to the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, they should be
                 accompanied by a Statement on the Approximation of the legal acts with
                 the EU legislation, and for laws and bylaws with a correlation table.

                 Completion of the Statement on the Approximation of national legal acts
                 with the EU legislation should be practiced even in cases where national
                 legal act in question has been already accompanied by prior Statement
                 on the Approximation with a relevant EU act, and now being amended
                 only from the aspect of national requirements without affecting the pro-
                 visions in which European legislation has been previously transposed.
                 Namely, in that case a Statement on the Approximation is Þlled in only
                 in boxes 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 indicating that the national legal act is not sub-
                 ject to approximation with the EU law, but appropriate amendments are
                 made of national character in accordance with the national legislation,
                 and that the legal act concerned has been already approximated with the
                 EU law according to the Statement on the Approximation of the basic

                 56  Dz. U. z 2006 r. Nr 234, poz. 1694.
                 57  OJ C 326, 22.12.2005, p. 1.

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