Page 148 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 148

government have the authority to enact measures which would have the
                 force of a law (excluding regulations which have the force of statute law
                 issued by the president during martial law). The powers of the executive
                 with regard to the possibility of issuing secondary legislation are laid
                 down in Art. 92(2) of the constitution, which provides that:

                 Regulations shall be issued on the basis of speciÞc authorization con-
                 tained in, and for the purpose of implementation of, laws by the organs
                 speciÞed in the Constitution. The authorization shall specify the organ
                 appropriate to issue a regulation and the scope of matters to be regu-
                 lated as well as instructions concerning the provisions of such an act.

                 It follows from the above that in a number of cases implementing a di-
                 rective into the Polish legal order is not possible without amending the
                 relevant law. This translates into the necessity for most directives to initi-
                 ate the legislative process involving Parliament. Exceptions include situa-
                 tions where a law contains a clause authorising to issue a regulation which
                 covers precisely the subject matter of the directive or where the directive
                 contains provisions of a purely technical nature and does not provide for
                 any rights or obligations for individuals. In such situations it is possible to
                 transpose the directive by way of a by-law (ministerial regulation).

                 There is no standard approach when it comes to the choice of instru-
                 ments to be used for transposition of directives. That choice is made
                 on a case-by-case basis, depending on the subject matter and scope of
                 provisions to be transposed into Polish law.

                 Since 2004, Poland has had several times recourse to a special instrument
                 for transposition of EU law: the so called “Horizontal law”. It consists in
                 introducing amendments to several laws within one single law. The pur-
                 pose is to ensure timely and accurate implementation of a number of EU
                 acts or individual provisions of EU law. Due to its exceptional character,
                 this instrument may cover exclusively measures implementing EU law
                 or eliminating incompatibilities with EU law and must address issues
                 which are urgent, similar in its legal nature and non-controversial.
                 An example of such an instrument is the Law of 23 June 2006 amend-
                 ing certain laws in relations to membership of Poland in the Europe-
                 an Union . The amendments primarily consist in inserting into several

                 44  Dz.U. z 2006 r. Nr 133, poz. 935.

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