Page 152 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 152

tive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
                         22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of infor-
                         mation in the Þeld of technical standards are applicable or not).

                 In addition, the Procedure on transposition of the EU law (adopted by
                 CEA) provides for a detailed description of tasks of all the entities in-
                 volved in the transposition of EU law in Poland. It also describes pre-
                 cisely the consecutive steps up to the promulgation of the adopted acts in
                 the Journal of Laws and their notiÞcation to the European Commission
                 in the database for the notiÞcation of national implementing measures.

                 The law-making process with regard to implementing EU law in Po-
                 land can be outlined in the following way:

                 In general, a draft law must be preceded by an outline (concept) which
                 explains the subject matter and the exact scope of the planned legisla-
                 tive act. The outline undergoes all the stages of the legislative proce-
                 dure until it is adopted by the Council of Ministers. Only then the line
                 ministry and/or the Government Legislation Centre may proceed with
                 drafting the actual proposal of law.

                 Once a legislative proposal is drafted, it is submitted for inter-minis-
                 terial consultation. This also includes submission to the Ministry of
                 Foreign Affairs (MFA) for scrutiny regarding their compliance with
                 EU law. On the basis of the compliance check MFA issues its opinion
                 on compliance with EU law. The opinion on compliance with EU law
                 is issued at all the consecutive steps of legislative procedure as well.
                 Next, the proposal is submitted to the Committee for European Affairs
                 (CEA). CEA settles disputes or doubts that may arise over provisions
                 contained in the proposal and adopts the Þnal version of the propos-
                 al. The remaining contentious issues of a domestic nature are left for
                 the following stage of the procedure: review of the proposal by the
                 Committee of the Council of Ministers (CCM). After the proposal is
                 adopted by CCM, it is then presented to the Government Legislation
                 Centre which ensures the coherence of legislative proposals with the
                 Polish legal system and their legislative accuracy. As a Þnal stage, pro-
                 posals for regulations of the Council of Ministers as well as proposals
                 of laws are presented to the Council of Ministers for formal adoption
                 or approval. Proposals of laws (bills) are then submitted to Parliament.

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