Page 153 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 153

Decisions on which measures should be included in the annual pro-
             gramme are made by the Board for Programming of work of the Council
             of Ministers. It is chaired by the Head of the Chancellery of Prime Min-
             ister and consists of the Deputy Minister of Finance, Deputy Minister of
             Economy and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (MFA). The decision
             of the Board is based on a regulatory test presented by the ministry – au-
             thor of the proposed measure. The regulatory test contains a preliminary
             impact assessment, a short explanation of how the proposed measure
             will ensure fulÞlment of obligations resulting from EU law and a de-
             scription of similar practices in other EU Member States. If the regula-
             tory test does not sufÞciently take into account the obligations resulting
             from EU law or if the proposed deadline for adoption of the planned
             measure by the Council of Ministers would lead to failure to meet the
             deadline of transposition of an EU directive, the proposal is returned to
             the relevant ministry and appropriate recommendations are formulated.
             The requirements with regard to the legislative procedure conducted by
             the government are laid down in the Rules of procedure of the Council
             of Ministers. Some of the obligations set out therein relate directly to the
             process of transposition of EU law and are designed to streamline this
             process. One of the advancements introduced in the Rules of procedure
             is the requirement that the preparation of the proposal must be launched
             at the time which takes into account deadlines for transposition or exe-
             cution of EU law. Besides, the Rules stipulate that before each stage of
             the procedure the proposed draft must be accompanied by:

                 -  statement on conformity with EU law (In practice, it is a short
                     information in the explanatory memorandum which declares
                     that the draft is in line with EU law);
                 -  opinion on compliance with EU law issued by MFA;
                 -  correlation table and “reversed correlation table” (This obliga-
                     tion concerns only proposals intended to implement EU law);
                 -  explanation on the date of entry into force of the proposed act
                     (In particular, it must be explained whether the transposition
                     deadlines have been taken into account);
                 -  information on obligation of notiÞcation of technical provisions
                     (The  author  of  the  proposal  must  explain  in  the  explanatory
                     memorandum  whether  the  obligations  resulting  from  Direc-

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