Page 161 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 161
when the obligatory application of Government Decision of 18 December
2001 on measures in the procedure of aligning legislation of the Republic
of Croatia with EU Acquis has been introduced. The Decision was revised
twice. In 2004 the Decision was amended in order to broaden its appli-
cation to the drafting of by-laws transposing the EU Acquis. Taking into
account the preparations of Croatia for full-ßedged EU membership the
Croatian Government adopted on 14 July 2011 a new Decision on align-
ing Croatian legislation with the EU Acquis (OG 93/11). Aligning instru-
ments were introduced into Croatia’s legislation with a view to monitoring
alignment of national rules and regulations with the EU Acquis. Accord-
ing to the above decision, when preparing draft legislation, the competent
authorities responsible for drafting the legislation are required to Þll in
the instruments for legislative alignment and thereafter submit them for
veriÞcation and conÞrmation of alignment to the Ministry of Foreign and
European Affairs together with the draft legislation. Where the draft leg-
islation which is transposing EU acquis is not accompanied by duly Þlled
alignment instruments, such draft is not sent into further legislative pro-
cedure. Instead it is returned to the competent authority for improvement.
In 2002, the Croatian Parliament adopted a Conclusion under which
the Croatian Government has the obligation in the alignment exercise
to send to Parliament proposal of acts accompanied by a veriÞed State-
ment of Compatibility of draft legislation with the EU Acquis and the
Table of Concordance of the provisions of acts.
The Decision has also detailed instructions for the legal drafters how to
Þll in the Statement of Compatibility and Table of Concordance. The
Statement of Compatibility provides for the information on the title of
the draft legal act, responsible institutions, EU legal acts that are trans-
posed, reference to the Programme for the transposition and implemen-
tation of EU law, level of alignment (fully or partially), reasons for par-
tially transposition (reference to the legal acts by which full alignment is
or will be achieved), deadline when the full alignment will be achieved,
information whether the draft law was prepared with some technical
assistance and whether it has been translated into English. It is co-signed
by the EU coordinator in line institution and deputy minister of MFEA.
Table of Concordance is an instrument presenting the degree of align-
ment of the provisions of the European Union act (secondary sources of