Page 202 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 202

-  the provision of primary legislation “does not require any leg-
                         islative intervention on the part of the states”. 8

                 Guidelines for the national legislator

                 The right of individuals to rely on the directly applicable provisions of
                 the Treaty before national courts “is only a minimum guarantee and is
                 not sufÞcient in itself to ensure the full and complete implementation
                 of the Treaty”. 9

                 Provisions of national legislation which are in contradiction with pro-
                 visions of primary legislation must be repealed or amended, according
                 to the rules provided for in the national law:

                 “…if a provision of national law that is incompatible with a provision
                 of the Treaty, even one directly applicable in the legal order of the
                 Member States, is retained unchanged, this creates an ambiguous state
                 of affairs by keeping the persons concerned in a state of uncertainty as
                 to the possibility of relying on Community law and that maintaining
                 such a provision in force therefore amounts to a failure by the State in
                 question to comply with its obligations under the Treaty”.

                 “The  incompatibility  of  national  legislation  with  provisions  of  the
                 Treaty, even provisions which are directly applicable, can be Þnally
                 remedied only by means of national provisions of a binding nature
                 which have the same legal force as those which must be amended”.

                 “…mere administrative practices, which by their nature are alterable
                 at will by the authorities and are not given the appropriate publicity,
                 cannot be regarded as constituting the proper fulÞlment of obligations
                 under the Treaty”. 10

                 Not only is it necessary to repeal all existing provisions of national law
                 which infringe European Union law, but also to rule out the applica-
                 tion of any new domestic norms contrary to EU primary legislation:

                 8  Van  Gend  en  Loos  v.  Nederlandse Administratie  der  Belastingen  (Case  26/62)
                 [1963] ECR 1, [1963] CMLR 105.
                 9  Commission v Italy (Case C-120/88) [1991] ECR I-621.
                 10  Commission v Italy (Case C-168/85) [1986] ECR 2945.

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