Page 199 - Секретаријат за законодавство
P. 199

Furthermore, the proper publication of a regulation, with regard to a
             Member State whose language is an ofÞcial language of the Union, must
             include the publication of that act in that language in the OfÞcial Journal
             of the European Union. The Court of Justice of the EU has held that:

             “…a regulation cannot be enforced against natural and legal persons in
             a Member State before they have the opportunity to make themselves
             acquainted with it by its proper publication in the OfÞcial Journal of
             the European Union.
             …the principle of legal certainty requires that Community legislation
             must allow those concerned to acquaint themselves with the precise
             extent of the obligations it imposes upon them, which may be guar-
             anteed only by the proper publication of that legislation in the ofÞcial
             language of those to whom it applies”.  13

             Guidelines for the national legislator

             It is not directly applicable pending the accession – it should be trans-
             posed in order for the rights and obligations contained therein to be
             observed and invoked.

             Following  the  accession,  any  legal  activity  for  its  transposition  is
             prohibited (exception: when a Member State is directly authorised to
             adopt implementing legal acts!):

             “Since Regulation…is directly applicable in all Member States, the latter,
             unless otherwise expressly provided, are precluded from taking steps, for
             the purposes of applying the regulation, which are intended to alter its
             scope or supplement its provisions. To the extent to which Member States
             have transferred legislative powers in tariff matters with the object of en-
             suring the satisfactory operation of a common market in agriculture they
             no longer have the powers to adopt legislative provisions in this Þeld”. 14

             Binding interpretation of a regulation by Member States’ authorities is
             also prohibited:

               Skoma-Lux (case C-161/06) [2007] ECR I-10841.
             14  Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Oberelbe v Firma Paul G. Bollmann (case 40-69) [1970]
             ECR 69.

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