Page 184 - Секретаријат за законодавство
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of the agreement . It follows that when adopting measures aimed at
implementation of a mixed agreement, Member States should cooperate
with both EU institutions as well as other Member States.
Case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union
In accordance with the Article 19 of the TEU, the European Court of
Justice shall ensure “that in the interpretation and application of the
Treaties the law is observed”. In this respect the Court of Justice:
• Reviews the legality of the acts of the institutions of the Euro-
pean Union;
• Ensures that the Member States comply with obligations under
the Treaties;
• Interprets European Union law at the request of the national
courts and tribunals.
The Court constitutes the judicial authority of the European Union and en-
sures, in cooperation with the courts and tribunals of the Member States,
the uniform application of the EU law. The courts of Member States have
an obligation to apply EU law uniformly. In accordance with Article 267
of the TFEU the Court of Justice shall have jurisdiction to give preliminary
rulings based on the preliminary questions of national courts concerning:
• The interpretation of the Treaties;
• The validity and interpretation of acts of the institutions, bod-
ies, ofÞces or agencies of the Union.
The case law of the European Court of Justice is also a source of EU
law and when transposing or implementing certain EU legal act it is
always necessary to check also Court decisions connected with this
legal act and take them into account.
EU “Soft law”
The notion the EU soft law refers to different instruments and acts
adopted by EU institutions which are not provided in the Treaties and
they do not have legally binding force but may produce practical ef-
39 Opinion on Convention Nº 170 of the International Labour Organization concern-
ing safety in the use of chemicals at work (Opinion 2/91) [1993] ECR I-1061.